Posted by: camerondane | January 29, 2008

Pain Medications

I recently read an article about nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAID’s (aspirin, Ibprofen). The article links NSAID’s to Gastrointestinal GI problems, kidney failure, & GERD these symptoms are most prolific with seniors. When we age our bodies becomes less effective when it comes to processing and filtering out toxins. Therefore drugs linger in our systems and cause havoc.

Unfortunately more than 1 in 2 seniors 65 and older have arthritis and take NSAID’s regularly to alleviate the pain. What can the millions of Americans who regualarly taks NSAID’s do?

I know that we must educate ourselves about medications that we take or are thinking about taking and have a good understanding of how our bodies process. This links to a useful FDA medication guide for NSAID’s. 

There are some alternatives, research on Tylenol has suggested that it is safer over the long term. Perhaps some natural remedies that mother nature provides, I understand that Strawberries can help with pain.

If anybody has experience with any alternative remedies please let us know.

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